Monday, February 9, 2009

New Exercise Video : Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones

I love to work out at home. There is something about being able to try new moves with out any really fit people watching me struggle at the gym. Plus if I look goofy who cares! So last night I tried Jillian Michael's new video "No More Trouble Zones" on Comcast OnDemand.

First of all I love the The Biggest Loser so I kind of love her already, but she definitely is pretty easy to follow, although the workout isn't, and she isn't annoying. The video is basically a five minute warm-up followed by a series of strength circuits that you run through twice with a total run time of sixty minutes. It sounds easy but it isn't. Jillian combines moves really well like doing a squat with a military press or reverse lunges with a bicep curl to really get your heart-rate up. Plus my abs are really sore today!


Raquel said...

I have her 30-Day Shred, which is also great because it's a very intense workout packed into 20 minutes: 3 circuits, each including cardio, strength and core. The best part, aside from Jilian's really motivating attitude, is that there are three levels, so you can switch things up and watch yourself progress.

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